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🚀 Using the Demo​

We strongly recommend you start by running the framework-specific sample DEMO we've prepared for you. This will not only give you a firsthand experience of OpenIMSDK's functionalities but will also assist you in swiftly identifying and resolving potential issues during the integration process.

Integration Steps​

1. Add Dependencies to yaml​

   flutter_openim_sdk: latest

2. Import the Package​

  import 'package:flutter_openim_sdk/flutter_openim_sdk.dart';

3. Initialization​

final success = await OpenIM.iMManager.initSDK(
platform: 0, // Platform, refer to IMPlatform class,
apiAddr: "", // API address of the SDK.
wsAddr: "", // Web socket address of the SDK.
dataDir: "", // Data storage path. E.g., var apath =(await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path
objectStorage: 'cos', // Image server, default is 'cos'
logLevel: 6, // Log level, default is 6
listener: OnConnectListener(
onConnectSuccess: () {
// Successfully connected to the server.
onConnecting: () {
// Connecting to the server, ideal for displaying a "Connecting" status on the UI.
onConnectFailed: (code, errorMsg) {
// Failed to connect to the server; you can notify the user that the current network connection is unavailable.
onUserSigExpired: () {
// The login ticket has expired. Please log in with a newly issued UserSig.
onKickedOffline: () {
// The current user has been kicked offline. You can prompt the user, "You have logged into this account on another device. Would you like to log in again?"

4. Set Listeners​

// Set listener
// Add message listener (remove when not in use)

// Set up message sending progress listener
// Set up friendship listener

// Set up conversation listener

// Set up group listener

5. Login​

// Returns the profile of the currently logged-in user.
final userInfo = await OpenIM.iMManager.login(
userID: "", // userID comes from your business server.
token: "", // token needs to be exchanged from the OpenIM server by your business server using the secret.