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Callback After Single Chat Message Recall


The App backend can use this callback to receive requests for recalling a user's single chat message.

Important Notes

  • To enable this callback, configure the callback URL and activate the corresponding protocol switch. For configuration details, see the Callback Introduction document.
  • The callback direction is from OpenIMServer to the App backend as an HTTP/HTTPS POST request.
  • The App backend must respond to this request within the specified timeout.

Scenarios that Trigger This Callback

  • An App user recalls a single chat message through the client.
  • An administrator recalls a single chat message through the admin_msgwithdraw REST API.

Timing of Callback

  • After the single chat message has been successfully recalled.

Interface Description

Example Request URL

The CallbackCommand here is: callbackBeforeAfterMsgCommand


Example Request Package

"callbackCommand": "callbackBeforeAfterMsgCommand",
"conversationID": "si_u1_u2:0",
"seq": 10,
"userID": "user456"

Request Package Field Descriptions

callbackCommandstringCallback command for recalling a single chat message
conversationIDstringConversation ID
seqstringMessage sequence number
userIDstringUser ID of the message sender

Example Response Package

Success Response

The backend confirms successful processing of the recall request.

"actionCode": 0,
"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "",
"errDlt": "",
"nextCode": 0

Response Package Field Descriptions

actionCode0Indicates whether the callback was successfully executed. 0 means success.
errCode0Custom error code; 0 to ignore the callback result.
errMsg"An error message"Simple error message for the custom error code
errDlt"Detailed error information"Detailed error message
nextCode1Next step directive, 1 to halt further action if actionCode is 0