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Get Paginated Conversation List for the Current User

Brief Description

  • Retrieve the paginated list of conversations for the current user.

Request Method

  • post

Request URL

  • http://x.x.x.x:10002/conversation/get_owner_conversation
Header NameExample ValueRequiredTypeDescription
operationID1646445464564RequiredstringThe operationID is used for global tracing.
tokeneyJhbxxxx3XsRequiredstringAdmin token

Request Parameter Example

"userID": "1008432211",
"pagination": {
"pageNumber": 1,
"showNumber": 20
Field NameRequiredTypeDescription
userIDRequiredstringCurrent user ID.
paginationRequiredobjectPagination parameters structure.
pagination.pageNumberRequiredstringCurrent page number, starting from 1.
pagination.showNumberRequiredstringNumber of records per page.

Successful Response Example

"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "",
"errDlt": "",
"data": {
"total": 38,
"conversations": [
"ownerUserID": "1008432211",
"conversationID": "sg_1012900607",
"recvMsgOpt": 0,
"conversationType": 3,
"userID": "",
"groupID": "1012900607",
"isPinned": false,
"attachedInfo": "",
"isPrivateChat": false,
"groupAtType": 0,
"ex": "",
"burnDuration": 0,
"minSeq": 0,
"maxSeq": 184,
"msgDestructTime": 0,
"latestMsgDestructTime": -62135596800000,
"isMsgDestruct": false
"ownerUserID": "1008432211",
"conversationID": "sg_1084800774",
"recvMsgOpt": 0,
"conversationType": 3,
"userID": "",
"groupID": "1084800774",
"isPinned": false,
"attachedInfo": "",
"isPrivateChat": false,
"groupAtType": 0,
"ex": "",
"burnDuration": 30,
"minSeq": 0,
"maxSeq": 0,
"msgDestructTime": 604800,
"latestMsgDestructTime": 1695265099982,
"isMsgDestruct": false

Successful Response Parameters Description

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errCodeintError code, 0 indicates success.
errMsgstringBrief error message, empty if there is no error.
errDltstringDetailed error message, empty if there is no error.
dataobjectCommon data object, see below for the specific structure.
totalstringTotal number of conversations.
conversationsarrayList of conversations.

Failed Response Example

"errCode": 1004,
"errMsg": "RecordNotFoundError",
"errDlt": ": [1004]RecordNotFoundError"

Failed Response Parameters Description

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errCodeintError code, refer to the global error code documentation for details.
errMsgstringBrief error message.
errDltstringDetailed error message.