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  • Retrieve a user's token by specifying the terminal type used during login.

Request Method

  • post

Request URL

  • {API_ADDRESS}/auth/get_user_token
Header NameExample ValueOptionalTypeDescription
operationID1646445464564RequiredstringUsed for global traceability, recommended to use a timestamp for uniqueness in each request.
tokeneyJhbxxxx3XsRequiredstringAdmin token

Request Body Example

"platformID": 1,
"userID": "111111"
Field NameOptionalTypeDescription
platformIDRequiredintUser login terminal type, values range from 1-9
userIDRequiredstringUser ID

Success Response Example

"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "",
"errDlt": "",
"data": {
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVc2VySUQiOiJvcGVuSU1BZG1pbiIsIlBsYXRmb3JtSUQiOjEsImV4cCI6MTY5Njc1NDgwNSwibmJmIjoxNjg4OTc4NTA1LCJpYXQiOjE2ODg5Nzg4MDV9.SAu86X3PzfYjtjBeYA4vZefNr1IiFKRgg12FeiXSm14",
"expireTimeSeconds": 7776000

Success Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errCodeintError code, 0 means success
errMsgstringBrief error message, empty if successful
errDltstringDetailed error information, empty if successful
dataobjectGeneral data object, see structure below
tokenstringRetrieved user token
expireTimeSecondsstringToken expiration time in seconds

Failure Response Example

"errCode": 1004,
"errMsg": "RecordNotFoundError",
"errDlt": ": [1004]RecordNotFoundError"

Failure Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errCodeintError code, refer to the global error code documentation
errMsgstringBrief error message
errDltstringDetailed error message